12+ Years and running – Private Practice
Mosaic Tree Counseling
“From broken pieces, come beautiful art…From neglected roots, stems new life.” – Maria Peters
Welcome to Mosaic Tree Counseling
At Mosaic Tree Counseling, we believe in complete mental restoration and balance. Our main purpose is to give parents, foster families, and children uniquely customized psychotherapy in the comfort and privacy of their own home or in our comfortable office. This allows the Therapist to be in the client’s true environment, enabling the therapist to experience each client’s daily life and culture, for the most effective therapy available.
Mosaic Tree Counseling is continuously striving to uphold all expectations of our clients and are dedicated to exceptional customized therapeutic services giving the client the ability to identify, explore, and process emotions through carefully customized interventions, reaching their goals, and presenting clients with the building blocks they will need now and in the future.

It’s amazing what one can create from shattered pieces of glass and it can be the same way when putting things together in our lives. The tree, in particular, represents the roots where we come from, the branches symbolize our life experiences and how we grow, and the leaves are the symptoms or coping skills. If you notice, in the logo, the tree is not as big as the mosaic because the mosaic is what I want you to vision for yourself. Our roots will never change but you can by creating your own art, you can create you…
Mental health is very important to me. I strongly believe it should not be taken lightly, and my hopes are that soon it will be under the same umbrella as medical health. I chose my logo because I feel many of us have experienced or are experiencing broken pieces in our lives and may have difficulties re-creating oneself. With these struggles in life, it often takes time putting all these pieces back together, hence the mosaic.
My philosophy is to give clients the option of home-based therapy, school-based therapy, telehealth therapy, or in-office therapy. One of the best ways, in my eyes, is to get to see the client in their natural environments. By doing so, I can see their true selves, get deeper into the client’s reality, and be in a familiar setting allowing the client to develop a grounded rapport. I will guide you in nurturing your roots to grow towards a healthier direction and I hope to help you re-create your masterpiece…